The mission behind Hayden's House of Healing is to provide a safe, tranquil space for bereaved mothers, fathers, couples, children and families to heal and connect together through a variety of methods and activities offered to assist in the healing process.
find the light - heal your heart

‘The 4 days I was at the retreat were more healing than the 5 months I spent in intense therapy. The understanding, compassion, and overflowing love helped my heart to feel peace for the first time in 2 years. Hayden’s House proved instrumental in my healing. I found a group of women who understand and accepted me just as I am.’
~nikki, mama to sweet felicity
To say the least this was by far one of the most memorable, beautiful, sad, but beneficial weekend to my grief journey that I have ever experienced. The friends I met and made are people I hope to be surrounded by for the rest of my life. The moms that I met became my role models and people I look up to and that care for me so much. To have to describe the impact this made for me in such a short piece is really hard but the things that Hayden’s House did for me and changed for me is unimaginable unless you experience this weekend. My perspective on myself after the loss of my brother, the perspective I have on life. Going to eternal made me realize how important it is to give this experience to other people. I can’t imagine my life without it but all I can say is it is something that will forever affect me in the most positive ways given such a negative situation.
Phillip’s sister
‘Hayden's House of Healing was the first place I laughed again after Isla died. It was the first time I was able to see a glimpse of light. Being surrounded by other mothers who also endured the worst possible tragedy of losing their child made me feel less alone, less crazy. I was able to spend the weekend honoring my beautiful daughter and myself.’
Isla’s mama
‘We quickly clicked with everyone at our couples retreat and it immediately became a safe place not only as a couple, but for the men and for the women separately. I never expected the guys to open up and have heart to hearts, but many of us wives were told it was very healing for the husbands. Losing a child, you can feel extremely lonely at times, but meeting all the couples and talking about experiences we quickly learned that we weren’t in this alone. Grief can be such a tricky thing since everyone grieves differently, but we were given tools on how to weave grief into our marriage. It never goes away, so I’m so glad we learned how to cope with each other’s grief.’
mama to Norah
'On November 7th, 2020, I lost my precious 14 year old daughter to suicide. I began to question my faith, my hope, and my life. I needed to talk to people that knew and felt my pain and struggles.
At our retreat we shared beautiful stories of our kids. We talked, laughed, and cried together. Each day we prayed and read from the Bible and broke out in small groups to talk about the passages. We made crafts, meditated and sang Worship songs to praise our God. During the days at the house I began to feel closer to God and I felt my faith being restored. I had this overwhelming feeling of peace with God and felt compelled to not blame Him, but to love Him. Hayden’s House ofHealing has allowed me to find my faith again.'
Abbey’s mama